David Ruffles
Galway, Ireland
David Ruffles is a photographer based in Galway, Ireland. He currently takes commissions from magazines such as The Observer Magazine, Construct Ireland, Guardian, Inshore Ireland, Agence VU, Management Today as well as many other media, government, corporate & private clients. He graduated from Birmingham Institute of Art & Design with an MA in Photography & lectures part time in Third Level University Education in Ireland. Working on self initiated & commissioned projects for publication & exhibition his work is held in collections here & the UK. David Ruffles is available for commissions throughout Ireland, UK, Europe & the rest of the world.
News International, Sunday Business Post, Irish Independent, The Sunday Times, The Observer Magazine, Management Today, TG4, Society for General Microbiology (SGM), Specialist, The House, Construct Ireland, Inshore Ireland, Ability West, HSE, Fintrax TEO, Galway County Council (Heritage Department), Vancouver Magazine, Agence’ VU (Paris), Haymarket, Seura Magazine & Ryanair.
Work in collections:-
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, UK.
Birmingham Public Library Photography Collection, UK.
Belfast Exposed, NI.
Galway County Council, ROI
The Society for General Microbiology (SGM), London, UK.

- Corporate
- Editorial
- Interior
- Portrait