Ahmad Mousa
Everydayiraq Founder
The Everyday Projects
Baghdad, Iraq
Ahmad Mousa, born in Iraq in 1991, is a documentary photographer and video reporter based in Baghdad. Central to his work is the everyday life of Iraqis, with a focus on the daily struggles of women and children.
Ahmad Has covered the recent wars in Iraq against ISIS in their entirety, as the battles for Fallujah and Mosul.
He is the founder of Everyday Iraq, a collaborative mobile photography project on Instagram (@everydayiraq); and is also a contributor at Everyday MiddleEast (@everydaymiddleeast).
His work has been published in Time Magazine, Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian, and BBC, among other international media outlets.
Currently works as Iraq's video journalist / AFP

2015 - Arab Documentary Photography Program Grant
- Breaking news
- Conflict
- Crisis
- Editorial
- Interview
- Military embed
- Portrait
- Reporting
- Video capture
- Video editing