Clément Mahoudeau
Marseille, France
Freelance photojournalist settled in Marseille south France, I'm :
- Member of the Riva Press collectiv of press photographe (which is ensuring our archives distribution)
- Stringer for AFP, east-south of france desk
- corporate photographer at :
Born in 1984, I became a professional photographer in 2014 after completing the EMI-CFD photojournalist school in Paris
I am available in France and abroad for all types of assignments : / +33612090660
My pictures have been so far published in : Le Monde, Le Figaro, Paris Match, Le Parisien Magazine, La Croix, Le JDD, Le Point, L’Humanité, Le Figaro Magazine, Marianne, Sciences et Avenir...

- Audio capture
- Breaking news
- Corporate
- Editorial
- Events
- Portrait
- Reporting
- Video capture
- Video editing