Hisashi Murayama
Studied at International Center of Photography in NY('98-'99).
From 2003-2008, a member of Photo-Collective “ Tangophoto" exhibitions and slideshows at Photo festivals including Les Rencontresd'Arles('03,'05,'07), Visapourlimage/Perpignan('05),Guangzhou Photo Biennial('05),Festival de la Luz in Buenos Aires in 2003.
From 2009- joined the group projection "The Singled Person" which has been at the Hamburg Photo Triennial 2008, New York Photo Festival 2008, Journées photographiques de bienne 2009, Berliner Kunstsalon 2009, Eyes On - Month of Photography Vienna 2010 and at the Wiesbadener Fototage 2011.
2010 Solo Exhibition "Travels with an imaginary girl" at Ricoh RING CUBE Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.
<Publications & Commercial Works>
Le Monde,Le Mensuel,M magazine, Liberation, The Wall Street Journal,
International Herald Tribune, Paramount, 20th Century Fox Japan, Zoom,Archivo, Magazine, Private.it, VISIONAIRE World 41,Travel+Leisure South East Asia, Departures/Online, Du Jour, Delta Sky Magazine, SKYWARD/Japan Airline Magazine.

- Advertising
- Arts
- Editorial
- Entertainment
- Environment
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Sports
- Video capture