Jean-marie HURON
Marseille, France
Born in 1964, lives in Marseille. Begin reporter in 1987 to the Figaro, by covering in particular the trial Barbie, the coming of pope Jean-paul II in Lyon. Goes in Romania and follows the reversal of Ceaucescu in 1989 for the Agence France Presse. In 1992 he joins the Editing agency and chains numerous reports to social or political character all over the world which he publishes in the French and international press. In 1996, he is invited in residence to Coïmbra, in Portugal to pursue his project "Elements" initiated in 1995, work in N*B on the territory and the water. These images are regularly explained Arles, Paris photo, in the Cambodia and in Vietnam, he is the guest of the natural festival and the landscape of Gacilly. He integrates photographers' house Signatures from his creation, he continues since his personal works. Its knowledge and its training ally in its creative spirit allow him to collaborate with diverse companies, in particular sector hi-tech "nuclear propulsion » and the "nuclear and hydroelectric" energy the heavy industry "steelworks", the environment and the water "distribution and treatments" and of the scientific research. His customers his Areva, Technicatome, DCNS, EDF, Nuvia Vinci, Veolia, Arcelor, Philips Healthcare, Endress and Hauser, Circet, RTE, St Gobain, Yves Rocher, world water Council as well as the "start-up" in the biomedical research and pharmaceutical "Biotech" : Innate Pharma, Ipsogen, Bioaster, nova discovery, halio dx, Ciml, eurobiomed and "cleantech » Deinove. He did a training course for the work in environment Ionizing CEFRI PR1 RN, is hard-working of nuclear power category A.

- Arts
- Corporate
- Crisis
- Environment
- Events
- Landscape
- Medical
- Portrait
- Reporting
- RISC training
- Underwater