Jérémie Lusseau
Hans Lucas
Nantes, France
Professional photographer in Nantes, France, I regularly work in the locality and abroad.
I do commissioned reportage and portrait works as well as various events from demonstrations for medias or corporate communication.
Since 2016, my editorial work is broadcasted by Hans Lucas, a creation and production studio dedicated to photography and digital storytelling.
My photographs are regularly published in magazines and newspapers such as La Croix, La Vie, Le Figaro, Le Parisien, Libération, Néon, Pèlerin, Politis...
Simultaneously, I do also work with NGO's, non-profit organizations, local communities and individuals which I advise in their projects regarding reports, communication pictures, workshops...
My personal works mainly deal with minorities and marginalized populations.
I am the co-founder of Nantes based IRIS Pictures which runs cultural and artistic outreach projects based on photography since 2013.

- Audio capture
- Breaking news
- Corporate
- Editorial
- Interview
- Portrait
- Video capture
- Video editing
- Spanish
- English
- French
- Vietnamese