Jesus Pastor
Berlín, Alemania
I am Jesús Pastor, Street and Documentary Photographer and artist, born in Spain and based in Berlin.
My life and the act of to photographing are indissolubly joined. For me, starting each work is equivalent to submerging myself in an adventure toward the unknown; the primordial is the creative process itself. Throughout this process memories, ideas and feelings arise, which are determinant in the final result.
No matter what the project or commission, no matter what the form, I begin with no preconceptions and no expectations. I allow memories, ideas and feelings to arise; twisting, turning, as they will. Over the past 15 years I’ve developed my voice through commissions, projects, exhibitions, and coaching on photography. That voice is still work in progress.
A photograph that is full of twists and turns. The images breathing, thinking, believing, acting. A photograph is a fragment of the path, a small summary of the experience lived.

2014 - Honorable Mention section in MIFA winners., 2014 - First PrizePhotography Reportage AwardEl Fotón2014, 2014 - XXXIV Salon of Photo Quart de Poblet 2014 Valencia
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