James Keogh
Paris, France
I am interested in issues taking place in France or abroad, those who reflect the challenges of our time. Self-taught photographer, the use of photography and video in my work is a way of a better understanding and alerting the opinion on these questions. It acts as an imprint on time.
I remember a phrase of Diane Arbus that keep following me when ever I take a picture: " it is the proof that something was there and is not anymore. As a stain. And their immobility is puzzling. We can turn the back on them, but when we look back, they are always there, staring us. »
Since 2010, I was able to report the Arabic revolutions in Egypt, Libya and Syria, as well as the conflict in the Sudan or the Ukrainian crisis. At some point I felt the need to raise other subjects to favor an approach going beyond the immediacy of the news. Since then, a part of work has been reorientated towards long term stories.
2012 - Prix Bayeux Calvados des correspondants de guerre, 2011 - Scoop Grand Lille, 2011 - Prix Bayeux Calvados des correspondants de guerre, 2016 - FIPA , 2016 - ASN, 2016 - Leipzig festival, 2016 - Prix Bayeux Calvados des correspondants de guerre, 2016 - Barrobjectif festival
- Breaking news
- Conflict
- Editorial
- Interview
- Military embed
- Portrait
- Reporting
- RISC training
- Video capture
- Video editing
The inheritance of Union Carbide
James Keogh
In front of bastis, the rests of the pesticide factory of the group Union Carbide thrones on five hectares of ground as to remind to the inhabitants this night from 2 till 3 December 1984. When we cross the outer wall, the time seems to have stopped at midnight five, the hour when 42 tons of poison gas escaped from their tanks to pour on the slums and killing 8000 people on its way.
Thirty years later, the factory abandoned to the rust and to the brambles continuous to poison the life of the survivors. The ground and the water polluted by its chemical waste then consumed pulled the appearance within the population and the generations been born after the disaster of respiratory illnesses, neurological as well as deformations to new was born. Children heavily handicaped, incapable to move alone or to communicate with the outside world.
Until today no cleanup was begun.
Referendum days
James Keogh
Thoses pictures redraw the following days of the referendum for the Donbass independence. A region located in the East part of the country where most of Russian-speaking live. May 11th, 2014, day of the vote, the extreme right-wing militia and the pro-ukrain ?Parvy Secktor? tries to prevent people from voting and reportedly opens fire on a crowd outside the city council they seized hours before in the eastern town of Krasnoarmiysk, killing two civilians and injured severals others. The next day the self called authorities announced the independence of the region and its willing to be attached to Russia. Following two days later by the funrals of Vladim Khoudich (38 years old, married, with two children) killed by a bullet in the throat in Krasnoarmiysk.