Maria De la Guardia
ZUMA Press
Kabul, Afghanistan
I have worked largely for humanitarian organisations doing all things multi-media and communications related, in countries that have included Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kenya, India, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Sierra Leone and Jordan. My passion is in documenting human stories and daily life in some of the most remote, misunderstood and underreported locations/cultures - particularly those undergoing or recovering from conflict or disasters.
I have completed multiple conflict simulation and hostile environment trainings as well as first aid courses meant particularly for conflict zones. My work has been featured by the likes of the BBC, LA Times, the Guardian, Getty Reportage, Yle Finland, British Airways inflight magazine, and more.

2015 - 'Commenced' Travel Photographer of the Year, 2014 - Washington Post Travel Photograph of the Year, 2012 - British Airways Travel Photo Competition, 2012 - National Geographic Traveler Photo Competition , 2012 - TNT Magazine Photo of the Year Competition, 2011 - World Bank Photo Competition
- Breaking news
- Conflict
- Crisis
- Editorial
- Interview
- Military embed
- Portrait
- Reporting
- Video capture
- Video editing

Lady Guadalupe
Maria De la Guardia
And so begins the pilgrimage for Lady Guadalupe - a Catholic feast/ celebration that draws millions from across Mexico to Mexico City. While the official date is December 9th, all week people are coming with namely statues and flowers, many entering the church on their knees. Various indigenous tribes fill the outdoor square in costume, dancing to music played with drums and horns.

School Truce
Maria De la Guardia
A remote village of Takhar province (Northern Afghanistan). There are two settlements, one at the top of the valley and the other at the bottom. Each has a commander and for years they fought with each other. Without safe access it has remained isolated until recently when (after a lot of work and negotiation) both sides have agreed on peace, signified with the construction of a school. More than 500 boys and girls from both communities will attend. Until now they have held class exposed under a tree or in this single tent.