McNair Evans
McNair Evans Photography, LLC.
San Francisco, CA, USA
I am a photographer, artist, and creative director based in San Francisco, CA. In 2016, I received a Guggenheim Fellowship for my work in photography. I've contributed to commercial projects around the world for clients including Levi Strauss, Google, Nike, Columbia Records, and AT&T. My editorial clients include The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, VICE, and Fast Company. As a creative director, I've worked with many brands including Service Thread Manufacturing, Healthgram, Powerplant, and Head High Wines. My photographs are held in the collections of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and the personal photography collection of Sir Elton John. My first monograph, Confessions for a Son, was published in 2014. I am preparing my second monograph, In Search of Great Men, for release in 2019.

2016 - Guggenheim Fellowship, 2015 - John Guttman Fellowship, 2015 - PDN 30, 2013 - Judge’s 1st Place, Slow Exposures, 2012 - Judge’s 1st Place, Slow Exposures, 2011 - Curator’s Choice Award, 1st Place, CENTER
- Advertising
- Arts
- Editorial
- Entertainment
- Interior
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Still life
- Video capture