George Campbell
Bedford, TX, United States
Member, NPPA
Member, Texas Photographic Society
Award-winning photojournalist, phodographer and foodographer with a four-decade career in big-agency advertising and marketing companies.
But I am a dog person.
Have been since I was a kid.
I started working as a veterinarian's assistant while I was in high school in New York.
It was quite a challenge, working with all sizes and shapes of dogs (and cats), from mentally disturbed Chihuahuas (my hands still have scars) to laid back Great Danes and Dobermans.
As an adjunct to the photography for my marketing communications, creative and photojournalism projects,
I started taking dog portraits a decade ago, simply because dogs are so much darn fun to photograph!
A number of folks saw my early canine work told me I should go out for hire,
so I did and the rest is, as they say, history.
I still shoot the occasional story serving as boots in the ground in North Texas for the New York Daily News, do some events, and music promotion work, but
focus on the dogs point of view. Stories
I have shot included impact on pets during natural disasters, Pet Therapy Dogs and canine interest stories. I also volunteer my services to local animal shelters.
Examples of my early canine portraiture resulted in surprising success. Portraits of "Katy"– a superstar Welsh Corgi therapy dog who has worked with the disabled and the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings are now on permanent exhibition in a hospital/rehabilitation center in Massachusetts.
Finding the right setting and getting a dog to pose is a fun and challenging process. I try to capture the personality and essence of a dogs true spirt, be it feisty, happy go lucky, regal or somber.
Fortunately, thanks to my veterinary training I have a way with most dogs, and know many of my subjects seem to really enjoy the process. Some dogs even smile for the camera.
If you have a story that concerns dogs, people or any combination thereof, I can handle it.

- Advertising
- Arts
- Breaking news
- Editorial
- Environment
- Events
- Food
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Still life
- Wildlife